Sitting at school waiting for class to start I looked out upon the city and realized that this place feels more and more like my home. The buildings, although concrete and stained with exhaust, add to this city's wonderful character. You can sense the amount of people, and the flow of life by gazing at the Taipei skyline. C.K.S. Memorial Hall and Big Pink (Taiwan's second tallest building) stick out at day and night.

Walking through Shida Night market you can always tell you've found good food if there is a long line of people waiting for it. One stand in the night market always seems to have the longest line, so I decided to give it a try. The stand sells something called Lu Wei, they give you a basket and a set of tongs and you get to select what kind of food you would like to eat, they have dofu, tons of fresh veggies, meat, noodles, and tons of other stuff. You put the things you want into the basket and then the cook plunges it into the black, boiling Lu Wei(滷味) broth, made from Chinese herbal medicine. After the food is done they add chili sauce, garlic, and some other goodies. If you eat at the restaurant behind the Lu Wei stand you get your meal on a nice big plate, but if you take it to go, or as we say in chinese dai zou(帶走), chinese for carry out, all your food goes into a nice plastic bag. My basket of Lu Wei consisted of noodles, dofu, mushrooms, asparagus, green beens and fresh lettuce. The meal was incredible, and well worth the half hour wait and 140NT I paid for it; like I said before, huge lines means the food is good.

The food at the Lu Wei stand was so good that I ate it again the next night as well. Thankfully I ordered while it was still pretty early so I didn't have to wait for a half hour the second time around. Last night Matt's friend from Germany arrived in Taipei for the weekend and we decided to show him around. We started the night at the 45 our pub of choice and had a few beers. After that it was over to Longshan temple which was had a very different feel at night. Very peaceful, yet alive with energy. After Longshan temple we went over to Snake Alley and got stuffed on street food. I had some tasty chao mian (fried noodles) and watched the boys eat some awesome cuts of sashimi for the sweet price of 150NT, there never going to get deals like that back home. After Longshan temple we headed out to a club and danced the night away. All in all it was a great way to start the weekend. Not sure what will be next on my adventures in Taipei, most likely some homework. We are studying political terms and our report for this test is a mock election for ban zhang(班長), class representative. While these types of reports require a good amount of effort, its a wonderful use of new vocabulary.
Hi Jake,
You can always return after you graduate from UWM, if you feel you miss it and need to return.
You never know, your Chinese might just come in handy here. There is a nicely sized Chinese contingent that are fans of Yi Jian Lian and there have been a fair amount of overseas visitors, to see Yao and Yi, so there maybe something there. You might be able to get back there through work too. Your talent may come in handy to a U.S. company which may give you the opportunity to go back...
Again, an interesting story and I look forward to the next installment.
Stay safe and take care,
Gao Jian (Jake),
Nice to get another dose of you and your adventures. The ol' heartstrings were stretched quite a bit when you announced you were staying another year, but just as we were getting used to the idea (and proud of you for your intense study and immersion into the language and culture), your path takes the turn to include a "visit" back to the good ol' US of A where you will have just enough of 2008 to maybe sweat a bit (in case you don't do enough of that this summer in Taipei). -- 2 "ol's" in one sentence!
Hungrily read the details of your recent blog, especially the food entries, as we are missing the fresh and bountiful delights of Taiwanese food. Went to the Asian marked the other day to get some frozen "versions" of things that look like things we ate and must say that they were tasty stand-ins that will have to do until we locate a place that sells them made fresh and cooked to order.
Loved the pic of the city and your resonance with it's offerings...a city has a feel and "soul" that is unique and has a lasting impression. Seeing "big pink" (BP) again evokes our memories as our YMCA hostel was a few blocks away and as the 2nd tallest building in Taipei, BP was our landmark and indicator of whether we were in walking distance as we toured the city.
A good collection of blogs made all the better by your capturing the sense of the place with pics and descriptions. Keep them coming (and more pictures of food!)
- Dad
Hi Jake!!!
I love reading your blogs. The pictures are great! It is great that you are having such wonderful experiences and can share them with us.
Can't wait to see your parents pictures--next week we are going to see "Wicked" together in Chicago.
Take care!!
Love, Aunt Judy
Hello, Jake
Looks like you're having a great time. I'm sorry haven't wrote to you sooner. I just hook the the internet up this mouth. Well, I see that your family came to visit you must of been nice to see them. Jake I see that you been to alot of places,ate different foods and looks of it you still have time for a Budwiser. Ill get back to you soon.
Dennis from Porta Painting
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