I normally start my day off with some kind of rice and egg breakfast meal and read a book or listen to my iPod. The portability that such an object as this offers has helped me stay somewhat up-to-date in the world. I offer many thanks to Podcasts, free downloadable internet talk shows of sorts, which have been keeping me abreast of the latest in the world of politics, movies, science, and overall geekdom, that I so enjoy. After my morning meal I am off to the Cafe called Artist coffee, where I hit the books and spend a good 4 hours preparing for my 3 hour Chinese class. This place has the most wonderful Shrilanken Milk Tea that is impossible to resist after the first sip. If I am feeling up for it I also will order a wonderful meal at the Cafe to the step price (for Taiwan bare in mind) of $5 USD.

My homework routine everyday includes some if not all of the following actions: Character Practice, everyday we are given approximately 15 new vocabulary words that we must write a minimum of 10 times in our Character work books. Flash-card Making, writing characters 10 times is just not enough and in order to actually remember the characters I am learning I also make flash-cards for every single one this allows me to study them at anytime (which most often means on the MRT where I must look very strange, or very diligent to Taiwanese patrons). Workbook, This homework coincides with whichever Chapter we happen to be on that day, it is due every two days and takes on average around 2 hours to complete. It could take less time but I have an average score of A+ on this portion of my school work and I wish to keep that consistent so I will keep working at my somewhat slow pace. Reading and Review, Every chapter has three portions of text within them, Dialogues, Narration's etc. and it helps me to study them outside of class. Our teacher does not really stress the importance of the Dialogues but I still like being able to read the Dialogues with some fluidity. Other than the dialogues we also have small exercises in the book to help with the new grammatical structures that are introduced in every chapter.
Once this daily routine is completed I spend a small amount of time walking around Shida yeshi (Shida Night Market) either to buy lunch, if I don't order the wonderfully tasty Penne Noodle dish, or just walk around and relax my mind. After lunch I am in class for three hours. The first two days of a chapter we have a ting xie(literally,listen, write), or dictation test consisting of new and old grammar and vocabulary in sentence form. From there we work on new grammar points and other various exercises that keep us busy for the three hours. During this time of course, no english is spoken. On the third day of a chapter we have our test, yes thats right, the third day of a chapter is also the last day of a chapter. The test is held in the last hour of class but always runs longer than just one hour, so on test days I usually spend closer to four hours in class than three.
After class it is off to fill my stomach again; sometimes I wish i didn't have to eat it would save me so much time and money. The area around school is host to tons upon tons of restaurants from a variety of different places. In the past week I have eaten Indian, Korean, Japanese, and "Italian" meals. Each wonderful in its own fashion. From there my night gets varied. Sometimes I spend time with my classmates hanging out and other times I am with my language partners speaking Chinese and getting coffee or tea (I often chose the latter these days). I am sad to admit that my brief encounter with HwaRangDo has come to an abrupt end. My teacher has found the need for a second job, which, much to my distaste has fallen on our weekly scheduled times. It was fun while it lasted. Perhaps I will find a new martial art to fill the four hour weekly void. However, the more I study Chinese the more I would like to spend time learning something more peaceful and tranquil... perhaps calligraphy or Tai Chi. Well that is all for now from this wonderful land. I will be sure to ponder some more ways to see the sights that Taiwan has to offer.

Hi Jake,
It was nice to get a more in depth view of your school life.
It's a shame about your HwaRangDo being cut short.
Tai Chi is good to learn, but very hard because it requires that your muscles move slowly. My muscles don't have the patience for it, they start hurting after 20to30 minutes. The pain isn't from gaining muscle control (oh how I wish that was the case, but alas no) but something entirely different, related to some physical issues I have. I can tell the difference because it isn't like the burning I feel when I work out, but more of a twisting-type or restless pain. Hopefully it will work out better for you than it has for me. Traditionally it is considered exercise for old people (that came from a Chinese friend of mine). When I look at the DVD's, the people on them, including the instructors are of an older generation.
Good Luck in finding that new art, whatever it may be....
Jake,your routine sounds glorious. It brings back memories of "school days". Its great to learn new things, and the experience of being in a foreign city as a young man, on his own, just "sweetens the pot". Relish each day,for all it has to offer, and the memory will be sweet indeed.
Hope the search for a new martial arts instructor yields a good result. Perhaps, someone even better is in the future.
It's wonderful to see this trip through your eyes. The blog is a wonderful journal and I feel fortunate that you can share your viewpoints with us all.Mom
Hi Jake. Your days sound full, busy, and interesting. I took a Tai Chi class a few years ago and loved it. It really improved my balance and is very calming and centering. Unfortunately I got away from the practice and would have to start over to relearn it. I recommend it!
Dave and I are volunteering at the second annual Beloit International Film Festival this weekend. By chance we are facilitating a film from Taiwan called 'God Man Dog'. It sounds quirky and interesting. The Director is Singing Chen, Producers are Singing Chen, Sunny Chen, Chen xx-song, Yeh Jufeng, Wang Tian-lung, and Cho Li. Can you ask around and see if it has played in Taiwan and what is thought of it? I'll let you know how we like it.
TTFN (Ta Ta for Now) A. Deb
I am so impressed with your diligence in putting forth 100% effort to doing what you are there to do.
I think you would like Tai Chi as it is a discipline that affects mind, body and spirit. I practice it off and on and really would like it to be consistently on. Converting wanting to habit is the secret
I look forward to your blog entries---always interesting and informative.
You are always in my thoughts---take care of yourself well. Love, grandma
A day in the life...
Engaging, in-depth look into your life as a student in Taipei--the ritual, the challenge, the process. I especially liked the photo showing all the elements working together (food for the body and mind, with a fine looking cuppa for good measure).
Those of us who've been there (the college years) sigh knowingly, remembering the excitement, hard work and seemingly unlimited potential to delve and bask in knowledge and experiences. That you are aware and celebratory of it is a wonderful thing to share with us and hopefully an inspiration to pre-college or "thinking about it" readers of your blog.
There are many unique times and situations in life but few can compare to investing time and effort to open your eyes and mind to things greater than yourself, and to which someday you may become a contributor to the realm you study.
You've chosen well Jake, your path seems congruent with your interests and has promise to take you deep into things you are passionate about. Nice. - Dad
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